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tread 0.5.2

  • Move commonly used checks to functions to avoid code repetition
  • Drop magrittr pipe dependency

tread 0.5.1

  • Standalone type checks using rlang

tread 0.5.0

  • Rename package to tread
  • Use citation file format (CFF) in addition to bibtex

tread 0.4.1

  • Add citation information and doi badge
  • Update author and copyright holder information

tread 0.4.0

  • Add tunite() for stitching together time series measurements when the plate reader programme was stopped and restarted
  • Add single_time_single_reads() and time_series_single_reads(), which allow tparse() to deal with all four data formats (all combinations of single or multiple reads per well as well as single timepoint or time series)
  • tparse() now returns a tibble::tibble() with clean column names and correct column types
  • Deprecated tread_temperature() since it is a special case of tparse() and much less flexible in regards to the format of the input file
  • Improve documentation and create pkgdown website
  • Expand unit testing and use GitHub CI

tread 0.3.2

  • Use writeLines() instead of print() to avoid line numbers
  • Fixed namespace
  • Got around R CMD check note about unused import of utils, which is needed for where()

tread 0.3.1

  • Implemented initial version of tparse(), which supports multiple reads per well of single or multiple timepoint OD measurements
  • Use renv for package development
  • Bug fixes and minor improvements